Our clinic in Alexandria, Louisiana provides expert neurosurgical care with a focus on minimally invasive procedures, helping our patients achieve optimal recovery and improved quality of life.
233 Pecan Park Avenue
Suite D
Alexandria, LA 71303
Phone: 800-238-0827
Fax: 318-219-5221
Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
This clinic specializes in innovative, minimally invasive neurosurgical care and is dedicated to enhancing patient outcomes and improving the quality of life for people in Louisiana.
Glenn G.
Central Louisiana
Scott T.
Alexandria, LA
Patrick M.
Lafayette, LA
Yvonne C.
Natchitoches, LA
Albert P.
New Orleans, LA
Phone: 800-238-0827
Fax: 318-219-5221
[email protected]
Mailing Address
PO Box 11758
Alexandria, LA 71315